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박대통령 영국방문사진들

이경화 2013. 11. 12. 18:29

















엘리자베스 여왕 부군인 Philip 공은 상당히 유모스러운 인물이며 특히 이번 박 대통령 방문시

많은 죠크를 주고 받았다고 합니다. 아래 그림의 마지막 부분에 나오는 탈(가면)의 코를 (Tweak)꼬집어

보이면서 박대통령을 편하게 대접할 정도 였습니다.

또한 박대통령의 재치는 London City 시장 초청 행사 참석시 넘어 졌을때 주위에서 놀란 많은분 특히

시장과 시장부인에게 "Dramatic Entry"란 두단어로 모든 사람에게 안심과 웃음을 주었으며, 연회가

끝난후 떠날때는 넘어지지 않았기에 "Quiet Exit" 라고 시장과 시장 부인에게 농을 걸어 주위 사람을 웃게

했습니다. 박정희 대통령 서거시 "전방은 어떻습니까 ?" 그리고 유세중 칼로 상해 당했을때 "대전은 요?" 등

그녀 툭유의 단문 구사법이 새삼 생각케 됩니다./ sjp

(ps ; 여왕의 남편과 손자는 박대통령을 직접 안내 했는데... 중간의 다이아나의 남편 찰스공은 한번도

단독으로 박대통령을 직접 안내 못했음. 그 친구 여왕 눈밖에 난 모양이지요?)



Prince William continues to take on greater Royal role

as he helps the Queen welcome South Korea's first

female president

  • Duke of Cambridge accompanied Park Geun-hye to a ground breaking ceremony for a new Korean War memorial
  • Park Geun-hye welcomed with warm smiles by the Queen, and appeared to share a joke with the Duke of Edinburgh
  • President Park was then introduced to dignitaries on the royal podium by the Queen during the ceremonial welcome
  • Queen was wearing a rose-coloured silk and wool dress and coat by Karl Ludwig,
  • with a matching Angela Kelly hat.

He's been taking on a greater Royal role since leaving his full time job with the RAF in September, juggling the early days of fatherhood with stepping up

his official duties as second in line to the throne. And the Duke of Cambridge was at the fore once again yesterday as he helped represent the Queen

as the first female President of South Korea began a state visit to the UK.


Prince William accompanied President Park Geun-hye to a ground-breaking ceremony for a new Korean War Memorial to be built in central London

to commemorate the 1,000 British service personnel who died during the Korean War in the 1950s.


After the ceremony, Prince William met veterans of the conflict, which ran from June 1950 to July 1953 with Britain providing more than 90,000 troops

in support of the United Nations-backed South Korea.

Ceremony: The Duke of Cambridge looks at a model of the proposed Korean war memorial with South Korean President Park Geun-hye at Victoria Embankment Gardens in central London

Ceremony: The Duke of Cambridge looks at a model of the proposed Korean war memorial with South Korean President Park Geun-hye at Victoria Embankment Gardens in central London



The Duke of Cambridge attends a Korean War Memorial Ground-breaking Ceremony, at Victoria Embankment Gardens in central London
Park Geun-hye stands with the Duke of Cambridge at a Korean War Memorial Ground-breaking Ceremony, at Victoria Embankment Gardens in central London

Memorial: Prince William accompanied President Park to a ground-breaking ceremony at Victoria Embankment Gardens.

A memorial to those who lost their lives in the Korean War will be erected there

Preparations: The Duke of Cambridge and President Park prepare to dig the first groundworks for the planned memorial to those who died during the conflict between 1950 and 1953

Preparations: The Duke of Cambridge and President Park prepare to dig the first groundworks for the planned memorial to those who died during the conflict between 1950 and 1953



Respect: President Park, the Duke of Cambridge and other dignitaries stand for a minute's silence during the ceremony to remember those who died in the conflict

Respect: President Park, the Duke of Cambridge and other dignitaries stand for a minute's silence during the ceremony to remember those who died in the conflict



Meet and greet: The Duke of Cambridge talks to British veterans of the Korean war following the ceremony. Britain sent some 90,000 troops to support the United Nations backed South Korea

Meet and greet: The Duke of Cambridge talks to British veterans of the Korean war following the ceremony. Britain sent some 90,000 troops to support the United Nations backed South Korea



He and President park were shown a scale model of the proposed memorial, which will stand in the Victoria Embankment Gardens, and observed

a minute's silence in honour of those killed.

President Park, 61, cut the first turf and unveiled a scale model of the 18ft Portland stone memorial, which will feature a bronze statue

by sculptor Philip Jackson of a British soldier.


It is Britain's first memorial to the war which ended 60 years ago.

Prince William's presence was only the second time he has been involved in an official state visit - he and the Duchess of Cambridge met

Barack Obama and wife Michelle on their visit to the UK back in 2011.

Friendly: The Duke of Cambridge shares a joke with one of the veterans who was there for today's groundbreaking ceremony

Friendly: The Duke of Cambridge shares a joke with one of the veterans who was there for today's groundbreaking ceremony



Greeting: Prince William shakes hands with one of the veterans at yesterday's ceremony

Greeting: Prince William shakes hands with one of the veterans at yesterday's ceremony as others take photographs


It is the latest sign that William is taking on a more pronounced role at the forefront of the Royal family.

Last month he represented the Queen when he performed his first investiture ceremony at Buckingham Palace.

Park Geun-hye had earlier been greeted with warm smiles by the Queen, and appeared to share a joke with the Duke of Edinburgh,

as she arrived at Horse Guards Parade.


President Park, who is staying at Buckingham Palace for the duration of her three-day visit, was introduced to dignitaries on the royal podium

by the Queen - who was in a rose-coloured silk and wool dress and coat by Karl Ludwig, with a matching Angela Kelly hat.

The pair also smiled as they chatted at a state banquet held to herald the South Korean president's arrival at Buckingham Palace last night.

Both women beamed as they toasted President Park's visit.

Cheers: The Queen and President Park smile during the toast at a state banquet last night to celebrate the South Korean President's visit

Cheers: The Queen and President Park smile during the toast at a state banquet last night to celebrate the South Korean President's visit



Welcome: The Queen seemed delighted to welcome President Park at the State Banquet. Park is on a three day visit to the UK

Welcome: The Queen seemed delighted to welcome President Park at the State Banquet. Park is on a three day visit to the UK


In all their finery: The Queen and President Park talk as they make their way into the banqueting hall at Buckingham Palace followed by a smiling Prince Philip last night

In all their finery: The Queen and President Park talk as they make their way into the banqueting hall at Buckingham Palace followed by a smiling Prince Philip last night



All smiles: President Park, the Queen and Prince Philip smile as they pose for a photograph at Buckingham Palace last night

All smiles: President Park, the Queen and Prince Philip smile as they pose for a photograph at Buckingham Palace last night



South Korea's President Park Geun-hye is greeted by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip during a ceremonial welcome at Horseguards Parade in central London today

South Korea's President Park Geun-hye is greeted warmly by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip during a ceremonial welcome at Horseguards Parade in central London today


South Korean President Park Geun-hye, (left) and Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh (right) appear to be sharing a joke at a Ceremonial Welcoming at Horse Guards Parade

South Korean President Park Geun-hye, (left) and Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh (right) appear to be sharing a joke as they walk together at Horse Guards Parade


The president, who wore grey trousers and a dark purple coat, shook hands with Prime Minister David Cameron, Foreign Secretary William Hague

and Home Secretary Theresa May - who had donned a brightly-coloured coat with a geometric pattern for the occasion.

A 41-gun salute was fired in nearby Green Park by The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery, and also at the Tower of London

by The Honourable Artillery Company, to mark the arrival of the president - who was sworn in on February 25 this year.


After the Korean national anthem was played by the Band of the Welsh Guards, President Park inspected the guard of honour provided by

1st Battalion Welsh Guards with the Duke of Edinburgh - who gallantly pointed out a large puddle she ought to avoid as they walked from the dais.




Park Geun-hye was greeted with warm smiles by the Queen, and full pomp and pageantry today as she began a state visit to the UK

Park Geun-hye was greeted with warm smiles by the Queen, and full pomp and pageantry today as she began a state visit to the UK


The president then joined the monarch and the Duke of Edinburgh in a state carriage procession to Buckingham Palace, with the trio taking the Australian state coach

The president joined the monarch and the Duke of Edinburgh in a state carriage procession to Buckingham Palace, with the trio taking the Australian state coach


South Korea's president Park Geun-Hye is on a state visit to the UK from today until Thursday

South Korea's president Park Geun-Hye is on a state visit to the UK from today until Thursday




Ms Park steps from the state carriage beside Prince Philiip, at the Grand Entrance of Buckingham Palace

Ms Park steps from the state carriage beside Prince Philiip, at the Grand Entrance of Buckingham Palace


Ms Park is the daughter of former president Park Chung-hee, who ruled South Korea for almost two decades after seizing power in a military coup in 1961

Ms Park is the daughter of former president Park Chung-hee, who ruled South Korea for almost two decades after seizing power in a military coup in 1961


The president then joined the monarch and the Duke of Edinburgh in a state carriage procession to Buckingham Palace,

with the trio taking the Australian state coach. The Duke of York, who had earlier accompanied the president to the ceremony,

followed in the Scottish state coach. Crowds lined The Mall to cheer the procession as it made its way to the palace.

Concern over North Korea’s growing nuclear capability has increased in the past year after it carried out its third nuclear test in February,

prompting the UN to approve fresh sanctions against Pyongyang.



The president shook hands with Prime Minister David Cameron, Foreign Secretary William Hague and Mrs May

The president shook hands with Prime Minister David Cameron, Foreign Secretary William Hague and Mrs May, as crowds looked on



The Duke of Cambridge attends the Korean War Memorial Ground-breaking Ceremony, at Victoria Embankment Gardens
Prime Minister David Cameron with Home Secretary Theresa May, arrive at the ceremonial welcome for the President. The president shook hands with Prime Minister David Cameron, Foreign Secretary William Hague and Mrs May

The Duke of Cambridge attends the Korean War Memorial Ground-breaking Ceremony, at Victoria Embankment Gardens, while Prime Minister David Cameron

with Home Secretary Theresa May, wearing a brightly coloured coat and knee high boots, arrive at the ceremonial welcome for the President


Ms Park took office just days after North Korea’s third test and has promised to revamp the Korean economy and enact a 'trust-building'

process with the North. The 61-year-old president is the daughter of former president Park Chung-hee, who ruled South Korea for almost

two decades after seizing power in a military coup in 1961.


At the age of just 22, Ms Park became South Korea’s first lady when her mother was shot dead in 1974 - murdered by a North Korean gunman.

The Queen and Philip paid a state visit to South Korea in 1999, while the last leader from the country to make a state visit to the UK

was Roh Moo-hyun in 2004.




Ms Park, the Duke of Edinburgh and the Queen arrive to look at an exhibition of Korean related items from the Royal Collection and Royal Archives in the Picture Gallery of Buckingham Palace

Ms Park, the Duke of Edinburgh and the Queen arrive to look at an exhibition of Korean related items from the Royal Collection and Royal Archives in the Picture Gallery of Buckingham Palace




The Queen and Philip paid a state visit to South Korea in 1999, while the last leader from the country to make a state visit to the UK was Roh Moo-hyun in 2004

The Queen and Philip paid a state visit to South Korea in 1999, while the last leader from the country to make a state visit to the UK was Roh Moo-hyun in 2004





One of the artifacts on display had clearly caught the eye of the Duke of Edinburgh as the party made their way through the gallery



The Picture Gallery has always served as one of the Palace's principal rooms for official entertaining. During the State Visit Ms Park will also attend a state banquet and visit Downing Street

The Picture Gallery has always served as one of the Palace's principal rooms for official entertaining. During the State Visit Ms Park will also attend a state banquet and visit Downing Street



Both the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh looked interested to see the items on display

Both the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh looked interested to see the items on display




In a typically good humoured gesture Prince Philip appears to tweak the nose of a mask in the Picture Gallery - which he visited alongside the president, following lunch at Buckingham Palace

In a typically good humoured gesture Prince Philip appears to tweak the nose of a mask in the Picture Gallery - which he visited alongside the president, following lunch at Buckingham Palace


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2487821/Britain-lays-pageantry-Queen-welcomes-South-Koreas-female-president.html#ixzz2k2PxnxHo
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